Level 3 Grapheme Bingo

  • Author: Lillian Fawcett
  • Publisher: Cracking the ABC Code
  • Format: PDF
  • Copyright: 2011
  • Pages: 18
  • Scroll down for description
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Grapheme Bingo provides practice in recognising the different ways that graphemes (letters or combinations of letters) can be pronounced and the different ways that the phonemes (sounds) in English can be written. It is downloaded as an 18 page pdf which is then printed.

  • Phonic Bingo can be used in conjunction with the Cracking the ABC Code Multisensory Reading Level 3 books and the same key pictures are used.
  • There are four sets of four game boards: graphemes, key words, outline pictures and coloured pictures.
  • Each set can be used as either the playing board or cut up and used as the calling cards.
  • In addition to providing practice in learning the graphemes, Grapheme Bingo can also be used to help children to learn to read words containing these graphemes with which children may not be familiar.
  • Graphemes covered: /ay/=cake-tray-rain, /ee/=tree-Pete-briefcase-leaf, /er/=church-girl-flower, /ow/=house-cow, /oa/=boat-bone-bow, w+=worm-watch-wart-won, /f/=laugh-phone, /j/=giant-orange-gypsy, /u/=love-country-banana, /s/=circus-centipede-cycle, /sh/=musician-invitation-mansion, /air/=bear-chair-there-square, /oo/=book-bush, /ie/=kite-child-pie, /oy/=boy-coin, /or/=paw-fork-saucepan, /ue/=suit-screw-flute-glue-moon, /eer/=beer-spear-here, i+vowel=/ee/piano-/ie/lion, β€˜y’=/ie/sky-/i/pyramid-/ee/sunny, β€˜ch’=/ch/chick-/sh/machine-/k/choir, short vowels=/a/apple-/e/egg-/i/insect-/o/orange-/u/-umbrella, silent letters=/ea/head-/wh/-whale-/gn/gnome-kn/knife-/gh/ghost, /ar/=car-bath.
  • Detailed instructions are provided.


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